Implementing Universal Education, Building World Peace -- Address at the Closing Ceremony of UNESCO International Peace Conference 2019
The three-day UNESCO International Peace Conference is drawing to a close. The Conference invited leaders and ambassadors of UNESCO and experts and scholars of various disciplines. In their speeches they all shared their wisdom, and demonstrated the social influence of the universal education of ethics, morality, causality and love in different faiths and traditional culture towards lasting world peace and harmony ........ |
Building a Model City of Peace and Harmony in Toowoomba “Morality and Virtues: A Faith Perspective”
Sustainable peace and harmony can only be built on the solid foundation of religious education. In fact, religion initially was an education. The word religion in Chinese is zongjiao. Zong means primary, important, and to be revered. Jiao means education, teaching, and transformation. Hence, when the Chinese put these two characters together, it means primary education, important teaching, and a transformation to be revered........ |
Religious Education: Saving the Earth
First of all, we have to understand the root of the disasters. As stated in the Buddhist Mahayana sutras: (1) “All phenomena are manifested by the mind.” (2) “Appearances are created by our minds.” (3) “Circumstances are changed by our minds.” Circumstances are the environment around us. Everything, from human affairs to the mountains, rivers, the earth, trees, grass, and flowers, all are transformed by nothing other than our minds. Whose minds? My own mind!....... |
World Peace and Harmony: An Inspiration from Water
Dr. Masaru Emoto is an old friend of mine. He has experimented on water for more than a decade. He proved that water can sense, comprehend, see, and listen. It seems that water can understand our minds. He found that water can respond to writing, language, music, and even peoples’ minds.For example, we can write the word “Love” in different languages and stick the paper on a bottle of water for water to “see” it and later put the water bottle into a freezer of minus five degree Celsius. Upon observation of the water under a microscope, we will see beautiful water crystals. ....... |
The Promotion of Ethical and Moral Teachings
. . . Fighting for personal gain will definitely result in others losing. This kind of mindset will be reason enough for conflicts between human beings. Therefore, the approach to reconcile all conflicts and to promote social stability and world peace does not lie in the use of military force. Then what can we do to change? Ancient saints and sages, Confucius, and Sakyamuni Buddha all reached this objective by teaching. Thus, the only way for us to prevent conflict and promote social stability and world peace is to let go of all struggles for personal recognition and gain........ |
Discover the Buddhist Contribution to Humanity
For the purpose of facilitating teaching, Buddhism divides the entire universe into three parts: noumenon, mind, and matter. These three parts are actually one entity. Noumenon is the essence, which is considered by Buddhism to be able to manifest and alter phenomena. In the statement “manifested by the mind and altered by the consciousness,”. the mind is the noumenon, and the consciousness refers to discrimination and attachments, both of which manifest everything in the universe....... |
These three foundations are as signifi cant as all the classics of the three schools
Professor Qijia Guo of The Beijing Teachers’ University stated that some contemporary college students, postgraduates, and intellects do not treasure and admire traditional Chinese cultural classics any more. They are “good at science while neglecting the study of humanity, good at computers while leaving their heart and mind untrained, good at the Internet while ignoring human interactions, good at selecting commodities while ignoring basic etiquette and morality,....... |
The Welfare of the Senior Citizens
A Concept for the Establishment of Garden Villas for the Elderly
I left Taiwan in the 1970s, and have been traveling to various countries and regions to teach Buddhist principles based on what is taught in the Sutras. Everywhere I went, I wanted to find out two things: Firstly, the welfare of the elderly and secondly, the youth crime rate....... |
A Harmonious World Begins With the Mind
When the mind is at peace, the mind is naturally pure and impartial. The theme “When the mind is pure, the land will be pure. When the mind is at peace, all beings will be at peace. When the mind is impartial, the world will enjoy equality” provides great inspiration for us. People must be awakened before happiness, a pure land, social stability, and world peace can be achieved. All these must start with cultivating ourselves and teaching.
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Proposal for Education Development in the Next Ten Years for a Sustainable Future
Venerable Master Chin Kung Talks at UNESCO Asia NGO Network Conference
There are four essential parts to an education. They are all parts of a complete education and should never be separated. The first part is the family education. The second part is the formal school education. The third is the social education. The fourth is religious education. Of these four parts, family education is the foundation, and religious education is what makes an education complete and perfect...... |
Education for Shared Values for Intercultural and
Interfaith Understanding: Reflections and Proposals for Action
In my view, the root cause lies in our inner minds. There are conflicts between our self-nature and habits. Nature is referred to what Confucianism says “human’s innate nature is complete kindness” (人之初,性本善). The self-nature is pure kindness. The habits are contaminated by various self-benefiting viewpoints and knowledge acquired in our societies. Put it simpler, this is the conflict between altruism and selfishness. ....... |
Harmony and Unity
Sages and virtuous people teach us that the key in understanding the truth lies in changing our viewpoints. To do this we change from bad to good, from deluded to enlightened, and from being ordinary to a sage. We often say that by planting good causes, we will harvest good results, but although many people cultivate good deeds, they seem unable to change their karmic retribution. ....... |
Achieving lasting World Peace thought Education
Throughout history, humanity has longed for and prayed for lasting peace. But, not only has this peace continued to elude us, natural and human made disasters, especially those from warfare, are increasing in frequency and severity. The loss of lives and property is beyond calculation. In the last century, there were two world wars and I fear a third is inevitable. The possibility of genuine peace seems hopeless. ....... |
Everyone can be a Buddha
We know that all sentient beings in the universe share a common life entity that Buddhists call the Dharma-body: “All Buddhas from all space and time share one Dharma-body.” Thus, among religions, there are no contradictions or conflicts but peaceful coexistence and equality. When our minds reach the equal and non-discriminatory state, we become Buddhas and we no longer have wandering discriminatory thoughts or attachments. When such thoughts and attachments are present, the mind is not in the state of equality........ |
Venerable Master Chin Kung's Answer to the Question: Why Make a Donation to the Jamiyah Home for the Aged?
The Buddha taught us to that we should not discriminate between other people, and us because we are all one. We need to have kind thoughts, do good deeds, say kind words, be a decent person. To be sincerely concerned for others, to be compassionate. .......  |
Treatise on Response and Retribution
Recently, people have requested me to lecture again on the Treatise on Response and Retribution hoping to broadcast it on television. This is a good deed. But, it would take a long time to lecture on this subject. In Singapore, I am currently lecturing on the Flower Adornment Sutra, the Infinite Life Sutra and the Earth Treasure Sutra........  |
Speech Given by Venerable Master Chin Kung: Lunar New Year’s Eve Charity Dinner
To have a stable and prosperous society and country, we first need to have harmonious interaction among cultural, racial and religious groups. As the ancient Chinese philosopher, Lao Zi, explained, “The universe and us share the same root, we are one”.........  |
Talk Given at The Opening Ceremony of The Dallas Buddhist Association
“How fortunate we are to enjoy a happy life! How lucky we are to be able to hear the great Teachings! The most pre¬cious of all is to have encountered the di¬rect, complete, and wondrous teachings of the Pure Land School. The peace and happiness which has ful¬filled my life all sprang forth from practicing of the Pure Land Teachings........  |
The Ten Recitation Method
The Ten Recitation method is a sim¬ple, convenient, and effective way of prac¬ticing Buddha Recitation. It is especially suitable for those who find little time in the day for cultivation. Practicing the Ten Recitation method helps us to regain mindfulness of Amitabha Buddha and brings us peace and clarity to the present moment.........  |
The Teachings of Venerable Master Chin Kung
To keep our mind pure and at peace is like keeping a pond clean and undisturbed. When the water is clear and still, it can reflect the sky, sun, and trees just as they are, without distortion. Our mind is the same. When we are polluted by greed, hatred, ignorance, and disturbed by discriminations and attachments.........  |
A Critical Moment that Can Change Heaven and Earth! For All Lovers of Peace -- "Let Us Pray Together for World Peace"
Since 911, people around the world are still impacted by the terror. Our everyday lives are filled with uncertainty. Some political leaders have tried to solve the conflicts by using military force. Responding to violence with violence will inevitably bring further reprisals.........  |
Speech for the celebration of the 30th year of diplomatic relationship between China and Australia
In ancient times, people respected heaven, earth, and spirits. But from the view of today's science, we would say that they exist in the same space, but in different dimensions. Once we fully understand these three relationships, we will be able to recover our true virtuous self, to love all people,.........  |
Speech given by Honorary Doctor, Venerable Master Chin Kung at the Griffith University
念"(Nian), "忠"(Chong), "恕"(Shu), which indicate the heart of mindfulness, loyalty, and forgiveness. Each character's bases on "心"(Hsin), the heart. The first word teaches us to always be mindful of the kindness of our parents who gave us this opportunity to be born, of the kindness of our teachers who have guided us, and of the nurturing from all beings. ..........  |
Conversation with Archbishop John Bathersby
Religious education is very important for everyone. If we view the global situations for the past 50 years, many countries have been disrupted by increasing conflicts and disasters. It has become worse each time. People are afraid of these critical situations and have been trying to find a solution. Yet, to save our world from grave disasters, there is no better solution than religious education, for it is the teachings of God and Sacred Saints to save our world..........  |
Talk Given in the Greening Ceremony at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution of the University of the Queensland
Today, it is very important to help the younger generation set new moral standards and to gain proper understanding of life and the universe. Fame and wealth diminish with time. Only by benefiting society will we receive infinite merits and virtues.........  |
Speech Given at the Centre for Peace and Conflict Resolution
"The teaching of the Great Learning is to illuminate our original virtue and wisdom, to love and care for all people and to reach unsurpassed perfection." It also said, "When sensual desires are eliminated, wisdom is achieved. When wise, the mind will be sincere. When the mind is sincere, thoughts and viewpoints will be proper.........  |
Saturday Dinner for our Friends and Neighbours
(Filial piety) Loving and respecting your parents and (Fraternity) loving and caring your brothers and sisters is the foundation for the virtue of loving kindness." There is also an old saying that "Out of all the goodness of our nature, loving your parents and elders is the most important goodness of all.........  |
Liao-Fan's Four Lessons - Changing Destiny
In the sixteenth century in China, Mr. Liao-Fan Yuan wrote Liao-Fan’s Four Lessons with the hope that it would teach his son, Tian-Qi Yuan, how to understand true face of destiny, tell good from bad, correct his faults and practice good deeds. It also provided living proof of the benefits from practicing good deeds and cultivating virtue and humility. In relating his own experience in changing destiny, Mr. Liao-Fan Yuan was an embodiment of his teachings. .........  |
Making the Media Angels of Peace
An old Chinese proverb says: “water can either float the boat or sink it.” The media is like water. It can either save the world or destroy the world. The media itself is neutral, neither kind nor evil. When media directors broadcast positive content to the masses, the world would be saved. On the other hand, when the negative content is broadcasted to the masses, the world would be destroyed. .........  |